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Traveling with a cat by plane

Do you fly with your cat? We have everything you need.

Here is a list of essential accessories for traveling with a cat on a plane:

Summary :

A carrying bag
A harness
A collar with identification tags


A carrying bag

If there is indeed an accessory to take into account for traveling with a cat by plane, that's the one. The bag that will hold all of your cat's essentials and keep them safe while traveling. It should have a handle on top, so you can carry it easily, and it should be large enough to hold all of your cat's belongings (including food and water) and not exceed the size limits imposed by the regulations. Airlines companies. In addition, one or two collapsible bowls will do the trick to feed your cat during the trip. If you're flying with more than one cat, be sure to take a large bag that can hold both of their belongings.

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A harness

it allows you to safely hold your cat when it is in transit at the airport and you want to feed it or relieve it. This is especially important if your cat has a tendency to lunge at people or other animals when excited, which could make for an unpleasant experience for everyone!


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A collar with identification tags

In case something happens to your cat during the trip, some airlines require a collar for health reasons so they know who is responsible for caring for them if they need medical attention after arriving at their destination. .


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Conclusion traveling with a cat by plane


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