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Why does my cat lick me

Why is my cat licking me? Why is my cat licking me ? Some questions keep coming back. Your cat may lick your face or hands as a sign of love and affection, but other factors may be at work. From anxiety to parasites, there can be many reasons why your cat is constantly licking you.

In this article, we will try to answer this question and explain why your cat loves you so much.


  1. Your cat shows you his affection
  2. Your cat takes on a new smell
  3. Your cat is anxious or stressed
  4. Your cat is subject to a pathology

1. Your cat shows you his affection

The most common reason. Licking is one of the favorite and most tender ways cats show their affection for you . This social behavior is learned from birth by the mother cat who licks her kittens to cuddle and protect them. Your pet learned it quite naturally and will do it with great enthusiasm in your presence.

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2. Your cat takes on a new smell

Your cat may lick you when it wants to mark its territory. Your body (feet, hands, face, etc.), your body hair or your hair can become impregnated with odors that are foreign to it. Your cat will then want to discover them and appropriate them by licking you . This is sometimes accompanied by other gestures such as rubbing against your legs or your face.

If this bothers you, you can distract your pet by playing with it.

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3. Your cat is anxious or stressed

Your cat licks you for many reasons. Most often it's out of affection, but sometimes it can indicate he's under stress. If your cat begins to lick you excessively, first try to identify the underlying source of stress. Take him away from the source of stress and deal with it little by little, following the advice of an expert.

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4. Your cat is subject to a pathology

Cats lick you as a form of communication. It's a way for them to take care of their loved ones and show their affection. However, if your cat persistently licks you because she is not feeling well, it could be a worrying sign of a condition such as feline hyperesthesia syndrome . This disease manifests as a disorder that heightens your cat's senses. Symptoms are varied and include compulsive licking, back spasms, and wild running or isolation. If in doubt, do not hesitate to consult your veterinarian.

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Conclusion why my cat licks me

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