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How to Remove Cat Pee Smell

If you're a cat owner, you may have come across the unpleasant smell of cat urine in your home. Although cats are clean animals, there are times when they pee outside of their litter box , which can cause a foul odor in your home . In this article, we are going to give you some tips on how to remove the smell of cat pee from your home.


  1. Clean the area immediately
  2. Use an enzymatic cleaner
  3. Use baking soda
  4. Use white vinegar
  5. Use hydrogen peroxide

1. Clean the area immediately

If you find cat urine on a rug, couch, or anywhere else in your home, it's important to clean the area immediately . The longer you wait to clean, the longer the smell will have to soak into the fabric or material.

Semi-closed litter box

Semi-closed litter box

2. Use an enzymatic cleaner

When cleaning cat urine, it is important to use an enzymatic cleaner . Enzymatic cleaners are designed to break down the proteins found in cat urine, which completely eliminates the odor. You can find enzymatic cleaners at most pet stores or online.

Closed litter box
Ultra-design closed litter box

3. Use baking soda

Baking soda is an effective natural deodorizer that can help eliminate cat pee odor. Sprinkle baking soda on the affected area, leave it on for a few hours, then vacuum it up with a vacuum cleaner.

Collapsible litter box
Collapsible cat litter box closed anti-splash

4. Use white vinegar

White vinegar is another natural deodorizer that can help eliminate cat pee odor. Mix one part white vinegar with two parts lukewarm water, then pour the mixture over the affected area. Leave on for about 10 minutes, then wipe off with a clean towel.

Large closed cat litter with filter
Large closed cat litter with filter

5. Use hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is another effective cleaner for removing cat pee odor. Mix one part hydrogen peroxide with two parts warm water, then pour the mixture over the affected area. Leave on for about 10 minutes, then wipe off with a clean towel.

Deodorizing cat litter box
Deodorizing cat litter box

In conclusion

The smell of cat pee can be very unpleasant, but there are several ways to get rid of it . If you follow the tips above, you should be able to completely eliminate the smell of cat pee in your home. Remember to use an enzymatic cleaner to completely remove the odor and avoid using ammonia-based cleaners as this can cause your cat to urinate in the same area again.

Conclusion how to remove cat pee smell

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